Близится выход следующего обновления Hearthstone, «Фестиваль легенд», и разработчики решили провести очередное обновление ленты наград, что произойдет 11 апреля. Вместе с этим все игроки автоматически откроют ранее не полученные награды как с бесплатной ленты, так и с ленты пропуска завсегдатая, если он куплен.
Festival of Legends Rewards Track Refresh It’s almost time to drum up a kitted-out new Rewards Track! When the Rewards Track refreshes with the Festival of Legends launch, all players will automatically be granted any unclaimed rewards on both the free Rewards Track and the Tavern Pass track (if purchased), and a completely new Festival of Legends Rewards Track of unlockable treasure will take its place. March of the Lich King Achievements will stop awarding XP with the launch of Patch 26.0, whereas the Rewards Track will swap over with the launch of Festival of Legends on April 11.
Festival of Legends Rewards Track The free Rewards Track for Festival of Legends will include packs from Festival of Legends, Standard packs, a random Epic card, two random Legendary cards, Tavern Tickets, a new card back, and a lot of Gold! There are also 14 Golden cards and the Pozzik, Audio Engineer card from the set!* For finishing the Rewards Track, you get to choose from one of 10 returning Hero Skins. * These 14 Golden cards (two copies each of seven cards from the set) and the Pozzik, Audio Engineer Legendary card earned from the Rewards Track are not craftable and can’t be disenchanted.