Утром 26 сентября в Dota 2 вышел патч 7.30d. Разработчики ослабили Tinker, а также внесли балансные правки для других героев и нейтральных предметов.
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Overwhelming Blink: урон от прыжка изменен с 200 +100% силы до 100 + 150% силы.
TUMBLER'S TOYCooldown reduced from 30s to 20sNo longer can be casted if the owner is rooted or leashed.
BRIGAND'S BLADEAttack Damage Bonus per 10% Health Missing increased from 7 to 8
NETHER SHAWLArmor Reduction reduced from -3 to -2Magic Resistance Bonus reduced from 25% to 20%Spell Amplification reduced from 8% to 6%
MIRROR SHIELDAttribute bonuses reduced from 16 to 10
EX MACHINAArmor reduced from 25 to 20
FALLEN SKYEffect Delay increased from 0.5s to 1s