Sony Pictures провела ранний показ фильма «Веном 2» в Лондоне, в результате чего в сети начали появляться первые отзывы. Большинству людей кинокомикс понравился.
<p lang=«en» dir=«ltr» xml:lang=«en»>#Venom #Fansfirst!!! Absolutely buzzing from this film it was so good and it was honestly so amazing being able to see it a month early!!!<p lang=«en» dir=«ltr» xml:lang=«en»>I was lucky enough to be among the first to (finally!) get to see #VenomLetThereBeCarnage I adored it.The first Venom is my favorite of the modern MCU films, and #Venom makes all the smart next steps, telling a very human and very beautiful story for Eddie Brock.<p lang=«en» dir=«ltr» xml:lang=«en»>Just saw Venom let.