Ночью 30 января для Diablo Immortal выйдет довольно большое обновление 2.2.3. В нем разработчики отметят Лунный Новый год особым временным событием «Обновление Тонг-Ши» и «Охота воя», вернут серию старых событий, добавят материалы для 23 сезона боевого пропуска «Поглощенные», а также введут различные улучшения и изменения. Сейчас описание доступно только на английском, а перевод станет доступен через некоторое время здесь. Seek Abundance in Tong Shi’s Renewal We wish you abundance in Sanctuary, adventurer! With fireworks setting the sky ablaze in celebration and loved ones in our company, we turn our attention to the new year before us—may it unravel to reveal happiness, luck, and fond memories for us to look back on.
We wish you a happy Lunar New Year! Due to the upcoming holiday, we will not be releasing a content update in 2 weeks and will instead release our next content update about 3 weeks from now. This update is a real firecracker, so without delay, let’s dig in! As with previous Content Updates, there will be server maintenance starting on January 30, from 4 p.m.–6 p.m. PST for Oceania, China, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe Servers, and on January 31, from 12 a.m.–2 a.m. PST for servers in the Americas.
After the maintenance has concluded, all items mentioned below will be live—specific dates for any content going live afterward are provided below. Tong-Shi's Renewal Limited-Time Event Tong-Shi—a god of the Xian pantheon—invites you to his Renewal, a call to bask in the fading glow of a finished year and begin the cycle anew, and welcome a new year with open arms and optimism. From January 31, 3:00 a.m.–February 25 2:59 a.m. server time, players can complete up to five tasks a day to earn festive rewards,