Разработчики объявили, что решили принять меры к тем, кто в первые три дня после запуска «Remix: Mists of Pandaria» чрезмерно увлекался убийством Хватких лягушек на Вневременном острове и лишат их Плащи безграничной мощи части нечестно полученной силы. А все остальные честные игроки, кто ничем подобным не занимался, на 50, 60 и 70 уровнях смогут выполнить по несложному заданию, что наградит их в сумме целыми 40.000 Бронзы. WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today We have been monitoring the impact of the Gulp Frog farming that some players did during the first three days of WoW Remix.
We’ve also been working on ways to respond to player feedback about Bronze acquisition, increased difficulty at higher levels, and feeling too far behind those who took advantage of the frogs. A small number of players received an extreme advantage that has distorted the gameplay experience for some in WoW Remix. With hotfixes later today, May 24, we will adjust characters with an unreasonably large number of Gulp Frog kills prior to the loot bug fix, and those players will see the power of their Cloak of Infinite Potential reduced to an amount that a very engaged player could reasonably achieve.
This change will have a larger impact on players who took advantage of the situation for longer. For everyone that did not take advantage of the frog farming, we’re providing three additional quests with large Bronze rewards for reaching levels 50, 60, and 70. These quests will become available from Momentus the item upgrader at the Jade Forest Infinite Bazaar.