Не успела «Пиратская буря» появиться в игре, как разработчики уже готовят киберспортивное мероприятие по ней. В субботу, 30 марта, состоится турнир «Plunderstorm Creator Royale», в котором 60 известных создателей контента по World of Warcraft посоревнуются друг с другом в группах-дуэтах. Событие будет транслироваться в сети с 20:00 МСК.
Детали события, трейлер и список участников найдете далее.
Presenting the Plunderstorm® Creator Royale coming March 30! The World of Warcraft team is proud to present the Plunderstorm® Creator Royale, a new tournament that will take place in Plunderstorm Duos. Prepare for pirates, prizes, and the mayhem of 60 of your favorite content creators competing head-to-head.This special event will unfold live on Twitch and YouTube on March 30, starting at 10:00 am PDT / 5:00 pm GMT. All participants will be streaming the action on Twitch, so support your favorite streamer on their channel! EVENT FORMAT The Plunderstorm® Creator Royale is a single-day event featuring 60 popular streamers competing against one another in Plunderstorm Duos. Points are awarded based on match placements and eliminations.
After five matches have been played, duos at the top of the leaderboard will be eligible to win the whole competition if they place first in the next match. A free-for-all match will occur if there’s no winner by match eight. Whichever team wins takes home the title of Plunderstorm Champion and the lion’s share of $50,000 USD! WHO’S PLAYING? Introducing the players and hosts for the Plunderstorm Creator Royale! The event will be broadcast live from Blizzard HQ in Irvine, California, with players worldwide streaming their perspectives.