Завтра вечером в Overwatch 2 начнется 10 сезон «Venture Forth», что принесет в игру немало новинок, включая нового героя, изменения системы монетизации, балансировочные коррективы и прочие новшества. Разработчики опубликовали текстовый обзор уже известных нам новшеств этого сезона и подборку иллюстраций. Узнать вкратце, что в грядущем сезоне ждет игроков, можно здесь.
Официальная подборка иллюстраций: А вот ранние обзоры от создателей контента:
И, наконец, оригинальная статья разработчиков: Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10 As we dig into Season 10 of Overwatch 2, we're thrilled to introduce our newest hero, Venture. We also have a first look at our new game mode, Clash, and updates to how you acquire new Heroes. So, get ready to embark on an epic excavation of greatness! You Can’t Spell Adventure without Venture Break ground with the newest Damage hero, Venture, a spirited archaeologist who channels their passion for history into daring acts of heroism.Armed with a massive drill and an arsenal of seismic abilities, Venture brings a fresh dynamic to the battlefield (and underneath it). Outwit your adversaries and unearth victory as you dive, dig, drill, and deliver massive damage in the process. Harnessing the power of their Smart Excavator, Venture primarily launches unstable seismic energy that explodes, and deals burst damage.
With their Burrow ability, they can become invulnerable underground while gathering momentum for a calculated ambush upon re-emergence. Then use Drill Dash to dash forward to make some space as you knock opponents back. When you’re ready to totally obliterate anyone foolish enough to be in your path, Venture can unleash a massive shockwave with their Tectonic Shock.