Разработчики WoW Classic наконец разобрались со всеми техническими неполадками и готовятся выпустить на PTR свежую сборку обновления 1.15.3. В ней авторы игры внесут ряд изменений в новинки 4 этапа «Сезона открытий», в частности классовые, и запустят тестирование события Извержение Черной Горы. WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR Development Notes — Updated 6/21/2024 Build: 55244patch1.15.3 Testing Focus We’ve made a number of adjustments to classes since our previous release and we are continuing to review feedback.
We’d encourage you to test the new changes and continue to provide commentary in this forum. We greatly appreciate all of the feedback we’ve received so far! This week we’ve also significantly buffed Testwerk’s health and damage to allow the fight to last around twice as long and to put a bit more pressure on healers and tanks for better test data. Please give him a try! Lastly, we are also enabling the Blackrock Eruption events on PTR to allow players to test that as well.
You can find more information about the Blackrock Eruption below. Please note that this content is still a work-in-progress. Blackrock Eruption Occurring every 2 hours starting at midnight, the Blackrock Eruption event will occur.
While the event is active additional spawns and environmental hazards will occur in Searing Gorge (this will be expanded to Burning Steppes as well in a later update) and players will gain access to new daily quests at Thorium Point. Players will also receive a large bonus to honor gained while inside of Blackrock Mountain. Conversely, players will gain no honor from world PvP while in searing gorge or burning steppes while the event is active.