В свежем выпуске подкаста WoWCast разработчики поделились своими планами на празднование 20-й годовщины World of Warcraft. Игроков ждет весьма насыщенная программа мероприятий, которая включает переработанные комплекты Т2, обновленные рейды Глубины Черной Горы и Врата Ан'Киража, путешествия во времени в классических подземельях, возвращение потасовки Месть Коррака и другие занятия и награды.
Отмечаем 20-ю годовщину World of Warcraft! The 20th Anniversary Celebration of World of Warcraft® is almost here, and we have many exciting activities and rewards to share with you as we look ahead to what’s in the works. It’s a big year for World of Warcraft, so we’ve created a variety of events and rewards spanning over a couple of months.Here’s an overview of what we have planned. Цитировать New Currency Take part in quests and activities to earn Bronze Celebration Tokens to spend on items during the 20th Anniversary Celebration, including returning items from previous anniversaries and new ones.
Go Back to the Blackrock Depths Raid Join Moira Bronzebeard as the bronze dragonflight grants her a look back in history, guiding us all through a journey through eight epic boss raid encounters. Players can queue for this epic raid with the Raid Finder (Group Finder Hotkey I) or create their own groups of 10 to 15 players by speaking with Moira for Normal and Heroic difficulties.